THE SUPPER CLUB meets regularly. ALL ARE WELCOME. he menu is Pulled beef brisket on a horseradish mash with a mushroom and baby onion jus followed by sticky toffee pudding with salted caramel sauce or biscuits & cheese (if ordered in advance). Tea or coffee to follow. A well-stocked bar is available. There is ample car parking. The cost is £27 (£30 for non-members of the Supper Club). TO BOOK: Please email Liz Pooley ([email protected]) with your details and any special dietary requests and make your payment online to TSB: Sort code: 30-90-18, Account No: 00360790 Account Name: Conservative Supper Club. Alternatively, you may post your details and cheque to Liz at 11 Meades Lane, Chesham, HP5 1ND. For further details, call her on 01494 772172